if you want to be the kind of spouse the Bible talks about, it may be too late to start reading and studying your Bible after you’re married.
You could chance it but it could be a rocky start to the marriage.
Why take that chance? Claim your freedom before heading to the altar.
Marriage is challenging enough when both partners are saved, sanctified, and the Holy Spirit is the third partner in the relationship.
Start preparing for you reverent partner now if you’re ready to be a loving husband or wife.
But any issues of insecurity needs to be addressed.
A person can love with all their heart and perform everything the Bible tells them to do –
But one would still be miserable if the insecurity spirit has not been dealt with.
One’s spouse cannot make them feel secure, that is something within that needs to go to God.
We must be delivered from insecurity and the nagging feeling of fear and anxiety hovering over us in order to become godly, stable spouses!
“Let the beloved of the LORD rest secure in him,
for he shields him all day long,
and the one the LORD loves
rests between his shoulders.”
—Deuteronomy 33:12 (NIV)
Discuss your feelings of insecurity: