If your doctor gave you a prescription for a medication, that could do all of the things listed below with no side effects, would you want to take it?
1. Improves working memory, reaction time and working IQ
2. Reduces feeling of sickness 30% less
3. Relieves stress
4. Eight (8) times less likely to die from cardiovascular disease
5. Four (4) times less likely to die from cancer
6. Decreases blood pressure
7. Improves lipid profile
8. Improves body composition, increases muscle mass and decreases fat
9. Increases metabolic rate
10. Improves tolerance of arthritis
11. Helps prevent bone loss and osteoporosis
12. Slows down muscle atrophy which occurs with age
13. Decreases the need for insulin if diabetic
14. Helps relaxation in response to stress
15. Assists smokers in kicking the habit
16. Moderates depression and increases a sense of optimism
17. Improves sex life
18. Fifty (50) % less likely to get breast cancer
19. Less likely to develop varicose veins
20. Improves skin
21. Improves sleep and helps prevent insomnia
Obesity is the fastest-growing health threat-
Start your prevention prescription today!
Initiate a healthy eating plan and exercise routine to lose weight.
Practice relaxation techniques to manage and minimize anxiety in your life.